
Friday, August 24, 2012

So happy it's Friday!!

I think I realized something important yesterday.  I think I have the post-vacation blues.  I have been waiting for this trip for almost two years and I have been actively planning it for over a year.  Now it's over.  I have never been the kind of person to feel this way, but it seems to be the case.  I have always chosen to be happy, so now that I suspect this is happening, I can work on changing it.

My fill has gone very well  so far, so that's good.  I think the most important thing I can do for myself is to do a meal plan for the next week, go to the grocery store and get everything ready.  I am the first to admit, that I have a horrible relationship with food and I make very bad choices when I'm tired/hungry/anxious and don't have a plan. 

The second thing I can do is get active.  A friend shared this today:

While I've always known this to be true, I realized when I read it, that I'm living the first sentence.  Yes, I realize that I've had a less than stellar week.  But usually, I don't let those kinds of things stop me.  Yet this week, I have used any excuse to not do anything.  I even ended up working from home a portion of yesterday afternoon for no other reason than I just felt overwhelmed. 

That is when I had an A-HA moment and realized that I missed planning my vacation.  Isn't that crazy?  But I know that is what has me so in the dumps.  Time to power through and get happy!

For next week, I had just about convinced myself to Jazzercise my assigned days and deal with everything else later.  Meaning, no challenge to my workout routine.  Well, there is no later.  Later could have me convinced to stop eating right...  So my commitment to next week is to work out M-Th.  (2 Jazzercise, 2 CrossFit)  My mom is coming to visit for the holiday weekend and that is going to be a blast. 

September I start my new workout schedule.  The plan is to CrossFit on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays each week.  If I can successfully do that, which in NO WAY is that big of a deal, I will add a fourth day each week in October. 

I know I can do this and I know by eating right and working out consistently, I will feel so much better.  I just have to get the activity started so I can fuel more.

Have a great weekend, all!!



Anonymous said...

The After Vacation Blues makes sense.
Just get yourself back into routine however you can.
Have a great visit with your mom and I will "see you at zumba" (or at lest see the women that in my mind looks exactly like you and looks extra like you too.

Anonymous said...

Ha- extra nice like you too......skipped a word up there.

Theresa said...

You know, I think it might have something to do with your surgery too. After surgery you were in hyper healing mode...trying to be well for your trip. I have found that after any surgery, I have moments of depression that follow and perhaps you just didn't allow that. I remember feeling that way after my wedding. So much planning and's over. Maybe put that planning into meals and exercise. Good luck!

MandaPanda said...

I love how you're powering through the post vacation blues. I hope it works!

Great workout plan!

Sandy said...

I'm with you. Sometimes all the planning brings us as much joy as the event. But eventually the honeymoon is over and life goes on. Good plan. September is always a bit of renewal for me.

Rhonda said...

You got this, Bethy.

If you find yourself deviating from the plan this weekend, feel free to e-mail or text. I'll be near a computer all day today, and then will probably be bored at the Rangers game tomorrow and checking my phone every 20 minutes. I got yo back!

speck said...

I'm with what Thresa said.

I've felt the same way. Make big exciting plans, come home and LIFE again.

I just have to remind myself that day to day life can be rewarding and it's all in my attitude.

And just look forward to future vacations and luxuries.(did I spell that right! senior moment! lol)

I can't wait to see you in Chicago.


jennxaz said...

you got this! Great plan!