
Friday, January 20, 2012


Wow...what a morning!  I got myself out of bed this Friday morning for some CrossFit goodness.  When I got to my car, it had a notice for an "abandoned vehicle" blah, blah, blah mess.  So dumb.  Anyway, after talking to the apartment complex people, it seems to have been a rogue tow company.  What I did figure out  in the whole debacle is that I don't have a registration sticker.  I have had the car almost a year.  Oopsie! 

Then I got to CrossFit and it was an all guy kind of morning.  It's okay, I can hang.  We did our 400m warm up.  It's funny how I think of a 400m as "short" these days.  Lawdy.  Who would have thought?  Then we did some squats, jumping jacks, stretches, push ups, mountain climbers, inch worms, you big deal.  Seriously, still in the warm up.  I was proud that TD used me to show the new guys how to do an inch worm.  That's a first!!

  • Front Squat - 2x5 & 1 Max Reps
  • Push Press - 2x5 & 1 Max Reps
  • 1 Mile Cool Down
What do you think was the first thing I saw?  Anyway, I squatted 75# and maxed out at 10 reps.  I push pressed 55# and maxed out at 15 reps.  I ran the mile at the end.  I only run at one pace so it didn't feel like a cool down to me.  :)  I think it was punishment for telling Bach the other day that there was no such thing as an 800m cool down.  She showed me!

Did I mention that I'm wearing 10s today?  I had worn a pair a long time ago...September maybe?  But they didn't really fit and think I wore them unzipped most of the day.  Ha!  They fit great today, I think.  I certainly don't fit into every size 10, but it is a start!  I've never been a 10, not even in high school.  This is a really big deal.  YAY!!

I wonder if they will still fit after dinner at the Melting Pot tonight?  I guess we will see. 

Have a wonderful weekend!



o.c. bandster said...

Rock those 10's!! You earned it!

Dawnya said...

Yeah for size 10s!!!

Catherine55 said...

Nice!! Enjoy every minute in those 10s!!

Stacey said...

Yay for size 10s!!! Great way to finish a week! :)

Kelli said...

Wow, size 10's yahoo!!

Lap Band Gal said...

Yum! Melting pot!