
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ms. Sunshine

Do any of you watch Mr. Sunshine?  I love the theme.  Cracks me up every time.  That's kinda how I feel today.  I'm on Seasonale birth control which limits my TOMs to 4 per year.  YAY!!  Well, except for those 4 times per year.  My next one was supposed to be next week, but the antibiotics from my sinus infection threw me off, I think and here it is.  Feeling blah, blah, blah.

Yesterday, with the yoga, running at lunch and Jazzercise on top of being hormonal...I about crashed into my bed.  I slept like a log (except, of course, waking up around 4am drenched in a pool of my own sweat).  When the alarm went off at 6:00, I felt like I had hardly slept at all.  But I get my sunny ass out of bed and did yoga because it does make me feel a little better.

Yoga this morning was a treat.  (Letting you know that was sarcasm, just in case you missed it.)  Today's Namaste Yoga episode was the Dove.  Ugh.  It was hard.  The Crane pose...
Seriously?  I faked that one and tried to keep myself from going into a whiny place.  Note to self:  Dove episode should be kept for days when I'm looking for a challenge...not when it is a challenge to just get out of bed.

But here I am, at work and ready to start the day.  It could be worse.  I'm planning to walk at lunch per my Lenten Thursday ritual.  Tonight is Jazzercise.  Then it is the weekend for me!  I was going to take Friday afternoon off, but I decided to take the whole darn day off!!  It is NASCAR weekend at Texas Motor Speedway and BFF & I have season tickets.  We aren't going out at all today, but we will be out there a lot tomorrow and Saturday.  Hoping for no rain this year!  It is nice that the big race in on Saturday night because I will have the whole day Sunday to rest up. 

Oh...also, I found the limitations on my feet.  Yesterday about mid-day, I decided three days of heels along with high impact exercise is too much.  :)  So I'm in flats today, but I have on my new khakis (I used to avoid light colored pants because they made me look bigger, but I like these) with a black t-shirt and a Lauren Conrad beige grandpa sweater.  Accessories are minimal with black flats and my new owl necklace.  I am enjoying pushing my fashion comfort zone and trying to utilize more of my closet. 



Pamela E. Williams said...

That Yoga position would have me falling on my head. That Mr. Sunshine them is funny. Sarcastic much....

Anyway have a great time at the TMS. And have a great weekend!!

Debi said...

Love the Mr. Sunshine theme. It also makes me crack up every time I hear it. :)

That yoga pose scares me! I'm going to pretend I didn't see it.

And now I'm off to look up what in the heck a "grandpa sweater" is ...

Amanda said...

I can't do that pose either!!

I haven't watched many episodes of the show but I do enjoy it!

This week has been insane! I have been sleeping like a rock!

Steph said...

I LOVE Mr. Sunshine...Great show, but I miss watching Cougartown ("Penny Can!")...

Way to go on the yoga. I want to start, but I have this huge fear of it. You see, I am a farter. Not an everyday, in the middle of casual conversation pooter, but sometimes they slip out and I've HEARD that it often happens during Yoga exercises and honestly, I don't want to be known as "Stephanie, the chick who cropdusted the Yoga class". Am I making excuses?